Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Destination Peru #7: Lost Churros, Please Help

Most Delicious Churro of My Life

Admittedly, I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Latin American food. Up till now, my churro experiences have been limited to the sugary snacks found at Disneyland for $5 or whatever they're selling for these days. Yes, they are good, but they got nothing on the churro in the above picture. The shape is quite unlike the star-shaped ones available here, though I did see a few of those as well. This one is designed for filling, a brillant idea to invigorate the snack.

My family and I were walking through the Plaza de Armas in downtown Lima taking the obligatory tourist pictures and buying trinkets in the markets when I saw a line gathered outside a small storefront. There were no tourists here, just hungry locals looking for a neighborhood favorite. Whatever it was, I had to have it.

Los Autenticos Churros Espanoles de la Virgen Del Carmen

Nothing more than a counter facing the street and a bench along the wall, the shop served one thing. The name says it all, Los Autenticos Churros Espanoles de la Virgen Del Carmen. Pure, unadulterated pastries of fried dough filled with a creamy custard. I think it may have been manjar blanco, a thickened milk cream similar in consistency to condensed milk. The churros were pulled out of the hopper, dusted in sugar and handed to me wrapped in paper. It may have been fried, but it tasted like it was baked in heaven. Light on the stomach and light on the conscience, I felt good having it as a snack.

Sadly, I don't know the exact location of this churro shack. If anyone has any information, please comment. All I know is that it's within several blocks of the main square of downtown Lima, down a side street.


  1. Can't help you with the location but they do look incredible.

  2. Aaron! I have pursued you here from Flickr to repeat myself:

    It's on the street that leaves the Plaza on the eastern point (as the Plaza is a rough diamond from cardinal north to cardinal south), running southeast, which I believe--and looking back at the map, yeah, I think this is it--it's Jirón Junín. Hope I'm right!

    Did you happen to hit the BEST anticucho cart in all of Lima, in Miraflores on the corner of Esp....Wait, I probably shouldn't go spreading that around :)

    Great blog - thanks for the photo comment and wouldn't it be nice to enjoy a churro right about now?

  3. Wow, the Internet really is pretty amazing. Thanks so much Nora! I've gotten so many comments in person about the churros and now I can explain where to get to them.

    And no, I didn't get the anticucho on the street. Unfortunately, I only had it in a restaurant and I left before I had a chance to get it any more authentically.

  4. It's on the 200 block of Jiron Junin... I always make a point to note (that is, take photos of) nearby street addresses when I find places like this churro vendor!

  5. Much thanks Marisa. Now everyone can check this out in Peru.

  6. Check out the churros at the web site below,

  7. My kids have some good mania for churros. It's one more item I offer them for tiffin. Other food are also good.
